Whenever I get back to the BCCI affair I know it's time to stop reading and go outside for a walk. There is no reason for me to think I can put the big picture together, so when these large pieces insist on falling into place I get a little nervous. Maybe this is a good time to dive into some difficult (for me) coding. Something with a lot of strands I can put together and then actuallly test as to whether I am right or not. Something that will either work or break. Maybe that mail interface, or the downloadable weblog snapshot feature. It's not as important as 60 briefcases that may or may not be missing, but at least I can work on it and then at some point reach a conclusion. I don't wish to learn any more about the Caspian Basin right now.
- jim 9-26-2001 3:15 pm

anything else been interesting beyond that robert parry thread from that google groups thing? who has been slinging the conspiratorial dish in webloggerville?
- dave 9-26-2001 4:28 pm

I haven't seen that much, actually. I've found metafilter to be more interesting than usual during this time. I read woods lot every day, and while it's not crazy conspiracy stuff, there's a lot of fuel in there if you lean that way. Similarly, Ethel has had great stuff in the left political sense, while abuddha's memes is even further out. I got the Perry link from robotwisdom. And, of course, counterpunch and progressive review have lots of fodder. (This is all stuff you know, but I'm just mentioning it in case someone else is listening.)

But if you're looking for the far out stuff you probably have to go to usenet. My biggest surprise is no one I've seen has taken up the R.A. Wilson idea that the pentagon (building) was built as a pentagon (geometric shape) because they have a powerful (possibly evil, but it's always ambiguous in RAW) spirit imprisoned inside of it. In Illuminatus! he talks about the hippie attempt to encircle and levitate the building as a magical attempt to free the spirit. Besides drawing a circle around the pentagon (which those in charge never let happen) another way to free the spirit would be to break one of the sides of the pentagon. Yikes. Did something get out? That's the kind of crackpot theory you can sink your teeth into. But like I said, I haven't seen anyone run with it. I wish Matthew Rossi was writing. He could do a good job with it.
- jim 9-27-2001 9:28 pm

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