This seems like a good change to be making. Dave Winer is updating the recently updated page so that instead of their spiders hitting every site every hour to look for changes, the sites themselves have to send a message requesting the indexing.
To participate a site must be able to send an XML-RPC or SOAP 1.1 message to, and that will schedule a poll event for sometime in the next hour. Our server will only read sites that claim to have updated. This change is necessary in order for Weblogs to scale to support the number of sites that it now works with.
I'm not in the index, but dratfink is, and maybe some other people here want to be. I'll add this feature as soon as there are more instructions from Userland. It's expected, but still very cool, that they are making this open so smaller people like us can participate. Thanks!
- jim 9-30-2001 3:28 pm

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