Well, I got a 'success' message back from weblogs.com, and I know they hit my page, and I showed up in changes.xml (you can probably see that if you want by viewing source since it's not an html file - or maybe it will try to download it to your machine and you could open it in a text editor) but then I never showed up in the list at weblogs.com. Possibly this is because I was never on that list in the first place. So either I have to sign up somewhere first, or they confirm changes by comparing your page to the last snapshot of your page, and since that was the first they had heard of me they didn't have a last snapshot to compare it to. If that's the case then I should show up next hour after they get this notification. Let's see.
- jim 10-03-2001 5:21 pm

I think it's working now. I believe you do have to have an account (maybe I should have waited longer without one just to confirm this, but I was impatient.) I'll get this working for everyone else here soon.
- jim 10-04-2001 1:18 am

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