MB's grandmother passed away this week. She was 95, and in good health up until the end. I spent most of the last two days on Long Island with the extended family. Lots of great stories remembering the old days in Brooklyn, from the time of the depression up through World War II, and into the early fifties when they moved out to Long Island. That generation lived through some astounding changes. Death, I suppose, is always a sad business, but a long full life lived close with those you love takes most of the heart wrench out of it. Still sad, yes, but an ending that we all think was O.K. with her. She was buried in the last family plot in the Holy Cross Cemetery, which is off Linden Blvd. around 48th street in Brooklyn, not far from where she grew up. Nana - and she was "Nana" to everyone - will be missed. A great woman I am honored to have known.
- jim 10-06-2001 6:27 pm

my gramma was also know as Nana--she died 6 years ago at 94
- Skinny 10-06-2001 10:57 pm

My Mimi was 95 when she passed on 5 years ago. What a life for that generation, from horses to the moon and then some. That's alot to take in. God bless 'em all. We are all so much richer from their presence and guidance.

- bill 10-07-2001 8:34 pm

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