DEBKAfile is a news source a lot of people have been pointing to recently. Here's a New York Observer piece on the website. They say, in part:
But in this new battleground, it is natural to assume there will be new sources of inside dope. And in the days following the attacks on the World Trade Center and the Pentagon and as the U.S. geared up for a military response people have begun passing around a link to, a crudely designed, Jerusalem-based Web site that offers Middle Eastern military, diplomatic and intelligence information far more detailed (and frightening) than what is offered by many news organizations. At its best, reads like a tip sheet from the desert...
Frightening is right. According to debka Putin and Bush have agreed on the deployment of tactical nuclear weapons (in Chechnya and in Afghanistan,) the Chinese (fearful of a new Russian U.S. front) are sending troops to support Bin Laden and the Taliban, a third case of Anthrax in the U.S. is being investigated, Russian and Israeli intelligence both concluded Siberian Airlines 1812 was the vicitim of a terrorist attack and not a stray missle, and that the U.S. is preparing shortly to strike a second country (either Somalia or Iraq.) Scary stories that are moving fast, but are they accurate?
- jim 10-09-2001 2:37 pm

Here's more on the B61-11 tactical mini-nuke that could be used against the heavily fortified bunkers in Afghanistan (which may themselves contain suitcase nukes bought from the Chechen mafia.) Nice world.
- jim 10-09-2001 2:44 pm

And here's even more on the B61-11. More detailed, more academic. The wired link above is the overview.
- jim 10-09-2001 2:49 pm

the Chinese (fearful of a new Russian U.S. front) are sending troops to support Bin Laden and the Taliban--FOR REAL????--i know we are in for lots more deaths in ny and usa--RTR??
- Skinny 10-10-2001 2:49 pm

I've been looking pretty hard for confirmation of the China angle and have found absolutely nothing. So it's just a story from a relatively unknown website. At this point it looks not too credible.

On the other hand, the idea that the U.S. and Russia could come together over the question of how to deal with these muslim fundamentalists seems quite reasonable. And one way might be the use of "overwhelming force" or in other words, nuclear weapons. This is something we have which they (probably) don't, and it solves the problem the big powers have in routing these people out of heavily fortified bunkers. Remember Saddam survived the war (asssuming we didn't want him to survive the war) because our bombs could not penetrate his heavily fortified bunkers. Same will be true for Bin Laden if he's still even in Afghanistan. But apparently the B61-11 will take care of this. The only thing holding the U.S. back from using it (besides common sense) is that the Russians would probably be a little pissed off and they have quite a few warheads aimed at us. But if the Russians could be brought on board the entire global political balance could change. Unhindered by a powerful enemy to check our worst instincts I'm sure the U.S. could be get Bin Laden and the Russians could crush Chechnya in short order.

This would be the short road to a strongly U.S. led joint NATO and Russian global police state. The big loser would be China which in todays world is actually a (sub-U.S.) super power, but would be no match for a combined NATO and Russian force.

This leaves the door open to a multiple theatre World War III. The U.S. has pulled most of it's troops that usually protect Taiwan out of the area (for use in Afghanistan.) So maybe the Chinese get mad that the U.S. and Russia are teaming up (remember it's those Russian nukes that keep the U.S. a little honest) and use this moment to seize Taiwan. This gets them something they want, while showing their displeasure at this new world order. Sending some muslim troops quietly into Afghanistan to help the Taliban would be another way (maybe much like we secretly supported the Taliban against the Soviets.)

Scary stuff. But again, nobody else is saying this. I'll post something if I see any confirmation of this.
- jim 10-10-2001 6:05 pm

jim it is WW3 in one way or another, its real war on NY and thats all i need to know, as you say be human, touch, love, hope, shine, smile, drink wine and......
- Skinny 10-10-2001 6:11 pm

Ethel had a link to this The Hill interview with the people behind debka.
- jim 10-17-2001 2:38 pm

good article. anyone who invokes "the Defenestration of Prague" is ok by me. now this article makes more sense. i thought the chinese/muslim angle was initially alarmist. just geo-political posturing or else we are all clueless.
- dave 10-17-2001 6:21 pm

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