I'm sure the reason I haven't seen this (Pakistani ISI director linked directly to Mahmud Atta) in the U.S. media is because it's incorrect. I mean, our media would never censor anything that might be unpopular with the government. Right?

Now what about getting all those who aid and abet the terrorists? (If you know who backs the ISI you can guess why this will be impossible for the U.S. to do.)
- jim 10-11-2001 7:53 pm

Remember that India is eager to discredit Pakistan, and note that the article is dated tomorrow; it must be a plot. OK, maybe it's that round-earth thing, but some people think that's a plot…
- alex 10-11-2001 8:34 pm

I was always partial to the hollow earth folks myself, but yes, there is a lot of weird stuff to believe in.

Of course India has an interest in making Pakistan look bad, but from my perspecitive this is because Pakistan is a corrupt non-democratic state whose brutal secret police have ties to our CIA while India is the earths largest democracy and has been fighting it's own "war on terrorism" against our new and very expedient ally Pakistan. I agree that the facts aren't in here, but I'm inclined to side with India as well as be very skeptical of Pakistan. And the question of just where we will get the facts is a very difficult one at the moment. Especially if the facts might embarrass the U.S. government. But I suppose this isn't something to be too shocked about. Obviously the U.S. government is going to try to spin things their way.

In any case, I need to believe some of this (maybe too quickly) so that I have something to rant about after a few glasses of wine.
- jim 10-12-2001 12:09 am

And just what choice does the US figure it will make when India and Pakistan inevitably ask "Whose side are you on?" I suppose we'll cross that bridge when we cross it.
- steve 10-12-2001 2:53 am

If we try hard enough, we can get them both to hate us.
- alex 10-12-2001 7:43 am

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