Phil Agre (of rock rock eater mailing list fame) has some ideas about colaborative web filters:
The "webfilter", as I'll call it, is a cross between a discussion list, a weblog, and a bookmark file. It is not just a weblog, since it includes numerous functionalities to deal with long lists of URL's. Nor is it just a discussion list, since the goal is to produce a reasonably clean and orderly presentation of the URL's. Nor is it just a bookmark file, because of its community nature.
He explains the system he wants, but also adds "I cannot participate in building such a tool, but I would be happy to try out any prototypes that others might construct." Yeah, OK, I'll get right on it. Still, a good article of some interest to bloggers.
- jim 11-05-2001 3:28 pm

Seems like you thought of and done that already Jim.
- steve 11-05-2001 4:41 pm

Here's some follow up notes he's posted. Interesting stuff, but now I'm thinking it won't really go anywhere. It's like the semantic web stuff that used to get me really excited. But then you try to implement something like that and you realize it's not flexible enough. Not every thought has one title. Not every idea can be fit into the same sized hole. If you could, it would certainly bring some order to all this, but is order what we're looking for? Maybe just the opposite. In any case, I think the standard weblog format is still the best fit. Simple, flexible, (and pardon me) un-boil-down-able (which is a good thing.)
- jim 11-08-2001 3:43 pm

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