If I'm not writing here much you could assume I am hard at work. And this time you wouldn't be wrong. As I've said many times before, I love the meaty middle part. First I start making a bunch of little pieces of code. It's like assembling a tool chest. And then I start linking them all together. That's fun. But then past a certain point the big picture has emerged from the connected parts leaving just a lot of small details to be ironed out around the edges. Not so fun. Things like polishing the user interface, writing documentation, and testing testing testing for weird errors in unexected situations. You might think you're 90% done when you hit this turning point, but then after a few weeks of getting bogged down in these mere "details" you realize you were only 60% done. Yuck. Details take time, and you're not moving so fast over the finer grained terrain.

Anyway, I'm not quite to the turning point yet, so I guess I'm in the fun zone. Hence not much writing here. The only thing I can add to these observations is that with each additional time I go through the process the big picture becomes more and more simplified. Since I've used previous versions of the system I know what is necessary and what is superflous. And I've gotten better at writing it. This makes for smaller code that is more understandable. And my guess is that this will result in the turning point being closer to 90% done than way back at 60%. We'll see very soon. This week probably.
- jim 4-06-2002 2:51 pm

which project is that youre working on, the laser death ray or the nanobot? youre so prolific its hard to keep track.
- dave 4-06-2002 3:44 pm

Is it a parabola, or are you asymptoting, if that's the word?
- frank 4-06-2002 4:15 pm

It's asymptotic. Or maybe like Zeno's paradox of infinite divisibility (which is the same thing, I guess.)
- jim 4-06-2002 7:29 pm

Jeez, it ain't often that one guy can be a tough crowd.
- steve 4-06-2002 8:09 pm

dont make me roll out the heavy artillery. ill "ramallahize" your ass. if you thnk root canal was bad, wait until i root out your terror nexus. it just so happens ive intercepted a communique from hamas to steve, which implicates steve in some questionable intelligence exchanges. and anybody whos anybody knows that steve is a plant for mossad. so were back to square one: never trust anybody (or anybody that knows anybody).
- dave 4-06-2002 9:09 pm

Questionable intelligence exchanges..like you mean Steve's the guy that makes you feel like a total dummy without even saying anything... godamn artists.. if their good you envy them & if they suck who cares! it's no fair..Steve grew up in the town with Powell's bookstore & spent his free time
tresspassing in abandonned loony bins...I mean I was sitting
on the back porch reading the Brothers K when you were probably watching Street of Crocodiles & making out with homeless fifteen year old hippy chics. You better take me lounging, Doughton..sos I can try out some of my new silver flox routines...

- frank 4-06-2002 9:24 pm

Yeah, I was up to my ears in hippy chicks.
- steve 4-06-2002 10:03 pm

that sounds aok
- dave 4-06-2002 10:25 pm

arrest this man,
he talks in maths

- dave 4-06-2002 10:41 pm

or were you watching movies like this

Blood Sabbath (aka Yyalah, ‘72)-dir. Brianne Murphy-USA-Anthony Geary (who’d go on to fame in t.v.’s “General Hospital”) is a Viet Nam vet who’s on what starts as a peaceful hike through the woods. He ends up frolicking with nude hippy chicks (one of whom is Uschi Digard) and encounters a love goddess and an evil witch (played by Dyanne “Ilsa” Thorne who gets naked quite a bit!) An odd film that could’ve only been made in the early 70's. So sex-o-delic, it FREAKS ME OUT!! RATED “R”

- dave 4-06-2002 10:45 pm

- frank 4-07-2002 5:48 am

The writer was bass rich;
I don't mean to be crass,
he had bones for an ass
& cut himself one fine niche.
- frank 4-07-2002 8:24 am

Yeah, me and my friends would go to the drive-in to watch those hippy movies. There would always be some stray chicks hanging outside the concessions stand lookin for a ride.
My favorite movies were the cannibal ones, you can't get much more hippy than cannibals.
- steve 4-07-2002 9:05 am

Nice link dave, check out that poster for Devil Hunter.
- steve 4-07-2002 9:09 am

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