A couple of lingering problems. I was sure I had the back link thing filtering out links back from the same page (I don't want it recording back links originating on my own page.) But this doesn't seem to be the case now. I'll get that sorted this week.

My friends from Montana arrive today. I'm very excited. The timing of everything is working out so well. I've been very busy finishing things, and now they arrive just as I am ready to pick my head up, switch gears, and take a long look around. I think Frank was here once before when I did that. In fact, I think that's what started me back into computers in the summer of '99. I wonder what's next.

David McCusker did mention me today, and now it seems that my last name is out. I guess I sort of like that. I wish I could be more revealing about my home life like he is. It's very interesting to read. If it was a book I would be staying up late to see what happens with Lisa and the Taekwondo studio. As this isn't the case MB and I stayed up late finishing Return of the King. This was her first time through. It's great to read out loud.
- jim 5-07-2002 7:05 pm

I believe I've sorted out the problem where links from my own page where being recorded as back links when the link just went to somewhere else on the page. I guess it's debateable whether this was a bug or a feature, but I treated it like a bug and "fixed" it.
- jim 5-08-2002 7:42 pm

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