I can't see any difference between mozilla 1.0 RC1 and RC2. Maybe it's mail or news changes. For browsing both are rock solid (although I've found most everything is rock solid on OSX,) fast, and thoughtfully designed (tabbed browsing, cookie support, and full javascript controls come immediately to mind.) Apparently RC2 should run on MacOS 8.5 and 8.6 although I've yet to confirm this. You can get RC2 here.
- jim 5-14-2002 6:21 pm

RC2 is running well on my G3 with MacOS 8.6. I love it.
Also, I've been waiting for a program with an open and save dialogue box that accesses folders in such a way. Why is this not the standard?
It seems that Flash and Shockwave are not available for Mozilla, what's with that? (I can guess)
Thanks for the heads up Jim.
- steve 5-14-2002 7:02 pm

Flash and Shockwave are available I believe. Maybe look for a Netscape Navigator 6.x versions (those plug ins will work for mozilla as well.)

You may or may not want to follow some of these instructions (my long comment is a few down in the thread.) Are you using tabbed browsing (click and hold on a link and you'll get a little menu where the top choice is 'open in new tab')? Very cool once you get used to it. Also in that comment I explain about the excellent javascript controls, and how to make google and dictionary.com accessible from the location bar.

- jim 5-14-2002 7:43 pm

Hey Steve, check here for some instructions on loading flash and other plugins into mozilla.
- jim 5-25-2002 12:32 am

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