MB went to Bentonville Arkansas yesterday. If you're in the retail world you know there is only one reason to go to Bentonville. She sure has a weird collection of jobs being part restauranteur, part graphic designer, and part local political figure. She used to be just a graphic designer. I can barely remember those days though. Neither of us worked at all the first year we were together. Now we eat dinner together but do almost nothing else.

Sleeping alone is really something if you're not used to it. I'd almost say I liked it, except I know what I really like is sleeping alone occasionally. I didn't wake up until after 11:00! That's something I haven't done in years. I think I needed a long sleep.

David McCusker worked out his problems with Lisa. This makes me happy. Although only hearing from one side (his) has made me suspicious of her. Like I'm protective of him, which is weird since I don't know him personally. I guess because I don't know him, and because he writes clearly about relationship issues in a way I don't do in public, there is a lot of transference that can happen from just reading the words. If I actually knew them I wouldn't be surprised to feel less engaged by the whole episode. Anyway, I hope it continues to go well. For all of us.
- jim 5-16-2002 7:45 pm

not that you were unaware...
- dave 5-18-2002 10:44 pm

That is fucked-up. Of course Marybeth was unaware of how horrible those Walton beasts are. It is not so apparent in the east, in the west the damage they do within smaller communities is much more obvious.
- sarah 5-19-2002 2:35 am

are you her lawyer or her conscience? its fairly common knowledge that walmart are beastly predators but if they are prepared to dump a truckload of money on you, its hard to say no. hopefully, if you are one of their 65000 vendors, you will do your best to keep your businesses practices in line with your values. or you could choose to be noble and poor but that wont buy you a nice house in the country. this documentary was quite informative.

this quote serves as unrelated market research:

"Wal-Mart is the leading employer of people of color in the United States. More than 125,000 African Americans and more than 74,000 Latinos work at Wal-Mart and Sam's Club store's nationwide. Two Latinos sit on the board of directors along with two women out of 15 board members. Only one woman serves as an executive officer of the company."

- dave 5-19-2002 5:23 am

- dave 5-22-2002 10:33 pm

This comment produced a "I could not retrieve the parent comment from table comment." message when clicking the "new" indicator on the front page. I found it by checking Jimslog. The image is broken, but the link works.
- alex 5-22-2002 10:39 pm

works for me. its a bitmap image. i wonder if that has anything to do with it.
- dave 5-22-2002 11:00 pm

I get the " I could not retrieve the parent comment from table comment." message too. On Jim's page I discover 6 new comments that don't appear on the home page. The image is a little slow to load and link works for me.
- steve 5-23-2002 5:32 pm

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