O'Reilly has a big conference on emerging technology going on now. As has become standard with these events, 802.11b wifi connections are everywhere, and many of those attending have laptops from which they blog the various meetings in real time. This is where a lot of the business world will be in a few years I think. Anyway, Rob Flickenger set up a program called EtherPEG that sniffs the local network for .gif and .jpeg images. He then collaged them for some very interesting results.
If you've never heard of EtherPEG, its a Mac hack that's been around for a while that combines all of the modern conveniences of a packet sniffer with the good old-fashioned friendliness of a graphics rendering library, to show you whatever GIFs and JPEGs are flying around on your network. It's sort of a real-time meta browser that dynamically builds a view of other people's browsers, built up as other people look around online.
Check out the results here. Very cool.
- jim 5-16-2002 8:16 pm

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