O.K., now it's starting to get hot. My boasting about not needing an air conditioner for the second straight summer is already looking not so smart...
- jim 5-31-2002 7:06 pm

Well I'll just step in & say Man You need some airconditioning & I'm sure some clever German
manufacturerer has some nifty nearly green unit you don't have to turn it down to 3 Kelvin it's the dust I'm more worried about but I'll admit I have overriding concerns about all my New York pals
air & water needs. We have two nearly new Whirlpools that sit unused..if you can figure out shipping..they're yers.
- frank 5-31-2002 8:34 pm

Sweat it out.
- alex 5-31-2002 8:56 pm

We got one out back.
- frank 6-01-2002 12:15 am

Hey Frank if you could stop bloggin for 10 minutes then I wouldn't be getting a busy signal, and we could have band practice or sumthin.
- Tom G 6-01-2002 12:43 am

That's funny Tom.
- frank 6-01-2002 12:55 am

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