I'm very curious why publishing this information (how to defeat a particular audio CD copy protection method with a felt tip pen) does not violate the DMCA? (I think Reuters and C/net published it too.)

I'm not a lawyer, of course, but it seems to be a clear violation. Is it just that the RIAA isn't pressing the issue because it will make them look like fools? Like bigger fools, that is. It certainly would make it clear how over reaching the DMCA is.
- jim 5-31-2002 9:01 pm

i never thought of that -- but you may well be right. if the data track is a technical protection measure (sure seems like it is), then circumventing it should be a crime, and so should assisting people to circumvent...
- big jimmy 6-01-2002 10:33 am

but... wouldn't that be covered under the first amedment rights? i mean, if the press isn't as free as it can be... well, ya know, that just defeats the whole purpose of the bill of rights. remind anyone of the USSR's iron curtain?
- anonymous (guest) 6-02-2002 9:07 pm

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