I haven't been too motivated lately. Hopefully that will change soon.

Mozilla is finally done. Officially. Good luck getting through to their servers though. If you want to grab it, try the mirrors.

Apple released a (so far minor) update to X (10.1.5 now.) Stable on two machines so far. Apparently iDisks are much faster, but I can't confirm that personally. If you're running X (sarah, stephen...) click on 'software update' in preferences (that's the light switch icon, don't ask me why) and then click 'update now'.

Apple also released a "public preview" of Quicktime 6. This is built on the new Mpeg 4 standard. Here's a short interview with Jobs. I don't recommend installing this yet, but you can start to work up a little interest. Much better quality at much smaller file sizes (for video and audio.) Now if they could just work out that license fee issue with the MPEG-LA. The also released Quicktime broadcaster looks very interesting too.
- jim 6-06-2002 5:46 pm

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