You might think you're having a fun day, but I'm downloading a 44 megabyte file I'm not sure I want over a 2 KB/s connection. That's excitement. Much like the pitch drop experiment I found on metafilter.
Ren has been making Ooblek lately. Corn starch, water & food coloring mixed together results in a material that, for my money, challenges the Three States of Matter hegemony. He is very suspicious of solid to liquid to gas as a model for the states of matter. Material plasmas with wildly complex behaviors seems to be more comprehensible to his no nonsense/all fun point of view.
:>):>):>)REN ROCKS:>):>):>)
ooblekdi, ooblekda, life goes on, rah
- jim 6-08-2002 10:56 pm
Ren has been making Ooblek lately. Corn starch, water & food coloring mixed together results in a material that, for my money, challenges the Three States of Matter hegemony. He is very suspicious
of solid to liquid to gas as a model for the states of matter. Material plasmas with wildly complex behaviors seems to be more comprehensible to his no nonsense/all fun point of view.
- frank 6-09-2002 7:55 pm
:>):>):>)REN ROCKS:>):>):>)
- Skinny 6-11-2002 2:28 am
ooblekdi, ooblekda, life goes on, rah
- Tom G 6-11-2002 4:06 am