Are there any uber bloggers left who haven't switched to OS X?

Just a clarification about my apparently fundamentalist pro-apple position. It's not that I don't think Apple would screw us if they were in a position to. Despite their hippie empower-the-world origins, I do believe they would turn the screws to maximize profits if there was a way to do so. It's just that they are not in such a position. And barring a direct meteor strike on Redmond Washington they won't ever be in that position.

Sure, I'd rather the tidal wave of change was washing up on a truly open and free shore, but that isn't going to happen. No other UNIX is ready for the non-geek user. So given the realities of the situation, and the absolute necessity of stopping Microsoft from assimilating the entire internet, Apple is the best looking compromise. It's not completely free but the foundation is free, and apple is commited to open standards. But beyond that, and most importantly, it just works. I think Apple will lead us, if not to the best of all worlds, at least to the best world we might possibly reach. That's my bit of realcomputertik for the day.
- jim 6-14-2002 12:54 am

just bought a g4 laptop i can stay in the mac environment everywhere. after 5 years away, feels like comin' home. strange postmontana effect? also the fm thing for the ipod; input-less boomboxes are now my friend again.
- big jimmy (guest) 7-04-2002 3:11 am

I'm extremely jealous of course. I'd love to see it when it comes. Hopefully you'll be able to run OS X soon. With Apple's recent purchase of emagic it can't be long before Logic is OS X native. And the new Reason 2.0 runs native in OS X. Is there anything else missing from converting your studio to X? It'll be worth it if you can do it.

With the right external firewire drives I can imagine you not even using the tower much (the new TiBook can drive the Cinema Display.)
- jim 7-04-2002 11:48 pm

[bigjimmy pos(t)ing as ruth] it's all about the logic... but given how fucking complex the program is i can't see an osX version 5.1 for at least 6 more months...and of course getting bought by apple will mean it takes _longer_ in the short term (everyone has to adjust to the merger so add 3 months to every project even if it goes perfectly)...but sooooon!
- ruth 7-06-2002 12:13 am

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