We stopped over in Minneapolis on the way home. Walking through the crowded terminal I started to get a little panicked. There were too many people around. I've never felt that before. I had a sudden desire to flee. Not the thought, but the physical desire. And I wasn't even back in NYC yet.

I wonder if some people feel that and actually can't go on. It's not like that for me. I just noticed the feeling with some interest and kept walking. No big problem. My social filters had atrophied, but I knew my urban defenses would come back up soon enough. It had only been two weeks. Still, I wonder what the transition would be like if I had lived out in the country all my life. I think New York would be oppressive.

And frankly, right now it is. But not because of the people. I'm already used to them. It's this heat. Oh my god. Last night we could barely sleep. This is some serious stuff. Not having an AC is pretty much unthinkable, yet that's our situation. Sort of like being in the sauna all day. The upside is that just surving seems like an accomplishment. Pesky things like work can be put off without the usual bit of guilt.

Not sure how to write about the trip yet. It was an important one for me. Maybe I'll just concentrate on getting some pictures up. I had a great time, for sure, but it already seems far in the past. It's harder than I thought to reconcile these different worlds. But it sure is fun to have the chance to try.
- jim 7-04-2002 12:09 am

no a/c, thats impressive. although mine is munching down the kilowatts, the thermometer is still measuring a sultry 90+ degrees.
- dave 7-04-2002 12:30 am

Thanks for coming out. It's been a little sad & quiet & Ren is asking why does everyone always have to go away. Polly is purring madly on the desk while I scratch her with one hand & type with the other. Our little tribe has always been & always will until the end. I realize now that I didn't really want to come to New York . I wanted to visit my friends & now I've gone & made more of you so the situation is even more hopeless than before.
- frank 7-04-2002 8:08 am

we just use an old fan, directed right at us, on tuesday night i needed a blanket it was too cool, last night the sheet was enough
- Skinny 7-04-2002 2:03 pm

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