Here is a page that will contain all the links to photos from the Montana trip. Only the first set from Flathead Lake are up now. More to follow.
- jim 7-04-2002 9:35 pm

Absolutely breathtaking! What a wonderful vacation. Keep those pictures coming, we easteners really like them. This country has such a geographic advantage just by the nature of its size and diversity. Welcome home to you all. It has been very quiet without you. Did any of you see the Macy's fireworks live last night? I watched on TV from Cape Cod and they looked fantastic. Summer is off to a good start for many of us in very different ways. Let's keep up all the good feelings right through Labor Day.
- jeanne 7-05-2002 3:45 pm

Hi Jeanne, for a city slicker yer baby Jim sure can plow the thickets. Perhaps he recounted to you how our little group became lost on the perilous slopes of Mt. Ludicrous & he led us back to safety thru Bassett Pass & home to the fennel & smoked trout salads.
- frank 7-05-2002 5:32 pm

He is a tenacious problem solver. Add good companions and a bonus of such good food waiting and he can figure anything out. Glad you all had such a good time and that the kid has such good friends everywhere.
- jeanne 7-06-2002 6:54 pm

Jim, I don't seem to be able to log in to the site. Thinking that I may have forgotten my password, (unlikely) I requested that it be sent to me but never received it. I'm running Netscape 6 on OS 9. Any thoughts? Having a wonderful time here in Portland. My love to you all. Steve
- anonymous (guest) 7-13-2002 1:41 am

I'm messing with it right now trying to fix a problem. Try again in a few minutes.
- jim 7-13-2002 3:16 am

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