If you're running Mozilla, you should install Mouse Gestures. They are awkward at first, but I can already tell I won't be able to surf without them once it becomes automatic. Here's a guide to what gestures control what actions in the browser. For instance, instead of clicking on the back button in your browser, just click and hold the mouse (no matter where you are on the page) and drag it to the left. Click and drag to the right to go forward. Mozilla is cool.
- jim 7-07-2002 10:35 pm

Well, OK, it's super cool - but with a one button mouse it doesn't really work out perfectly. I click and hold on most links to get the apple contextual menu that then lets me open the link in a new tab. But if gestures are on it interprets this as a gesture (unless I do it really slowly.) The work around would be to control-click to get the contextual menu, but that defeats the whole purpose of not taking your hand off the mouse.

Hmmm. Maybe it's time to buy a two button mouse?
- jim 7-10-2002 8:11 pm

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