Interesting analog dj turntable gone solid state digital hackery. (via /.)
- jim 7-11-2002 8:19 pm

i am pretty sure i don't understand what this contraption actually does...but if it lets you use a turntable to manipulate a digital file, then Finalscratch probably does it better...made by Stanton, tested extensively by some pretty cool dj's, now in release 1.0 but works great by all accounts...uses a black box between the turntable and a pc, lets user manipulate mp3 or wav files using special vinyl controllers. that sort of thing?
- big jimmy 7-12-2002 7:12 am

This is just a one off. Not meant for production. Finalscratch is the real product for sure.

What's interesting about this is just that all the electronics are inside the turntable. You don't hook it to a computer; it is a computer.

Just a curiosity of miniaturization. Sort of like the Apple Cube.
- jim 7-12-2002 5:17 pm

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