Went to a party in Booklyn last night (the 7th Ave stop on the F.) Absolutely amazing views from the Verrazano all the way around to Queens (which includes the entire New York harbor, Statue of Liberty, Red Hook in the foreground, Manhattan in the background, etc...) We were treated to a great sunset as well.

Of course I didn't have a camera. That G1 is great, but it's too big to just throw into your bag. And since I wasn't even carrying a bag last night it was definitely out of the question. Clearly I need one of those casio wrist watch cameras to fill in the gaps.
- jim 7-14-2002 6:38 pm

http://my.stratos.net/~elukacs/mash.html Look at all these mistakes, and be sure to sign the guestbook!
- zartan (guest) 9-17-2002 7:22 am

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