We went to see De la guarda last night. This is an Argentinian show put on in a beautiful old bank building right off Union Square. To start, everyone is herded into a dark room. A low fabric ceiling hangs above. The walls are dark fabric. The crowd is just standing around in the low light, not quite sure what is going to happen. It's not clear if there is a stage, or a direction to face, or an optimal place to stand in the shoulder to shoulder crowd.

And then you notice some rising ambient music. Like sounds of the jungle. And then you notice lights flickering up above the fabric of the ceiling. And other strange sounds. Is that water falling on the other side of the ceiling?

And then more lights flickering above. And then the shadows of people. Swooping. Flying up above your head, their shadows racing across the fabric roof above you. The music gets louder. The flying becomes more frantic. And then eventually the people above start to tear through the fabric of the ceiling. The music explodes. People are yelling. The whole ceiling comes down and the night of acrobatic bungie jumping Argentinian dancers running and flying and looping and spinning overhead begins. They literally dance up and around the walls. They pick a few people up from the crowd and swoop around with them overhead. Neat.

Lots of drumming. Lots of water (you get a little wet.) Lots of crowd participation. Pretty cool gimmick.
- jim 7-15-2002 6:03 pm

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