I think it's great that NYC PBS has been showing episodes of The Prisoner Sunday night at midnight. Still, I failed again last night to make it through to the end. The plots are interesting (and the location is amazing) but there is something very methodical about it. Almost hypnotic. Does anything every happen? I'm usually asleep by 12:20.
- jim 7-15-2002 10:58 pm

it's like sinefeld only not funny. you know, kafkaesque.
- bill 7-15-2002 11:11 pm

You mean Kafka's not funny? I must've been confused, but hey, Existentialism ain't what it used to be, and neither is existence...
- alex 7-16-2002 12:32 am

point taken
- bill 7-16-2002 12:43 am

The Prisoner is a great series! Do whatever it takes to stay awake...
- pete (guest) 7-19-2002 8:24 am

I think it's great too! But unfortunately sort of boring. It's like I'm glad the series exists; I just don't want to have to watch it.

A long time ago we had the plan to host a series of dinner parties where we would watch one episode (on vhs) after each meal. The first one was a great success, but then we never had another. We still occasionally talk about it as if the next party is imminent, but now it's been like 3 or 4 years!

Maybe someone could edit each episode down to a more modern 18 minutes or so...
- jim 7-19-2002 8:20 pm

One of the things I most like about The Prisoner is that as the series progresses the story becomes more vague and cryptic. If one is looking for narative structure or concrete answers it might be best to stick to the first episode. The further it goes the more there is. And a Beatles finale. Wild!
- steve (guest) 8-06-2002 11:42 pm

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