Came out to Long Island on Wednesday. This is our yearly house sitting "working" vacation. MB brought her new firewire hard drive and has been using the flat panel iMac that lives here. I brought my crt iMac, which is pretty easy to do if you are in a car. But it seemed like a joke at first, as I couldn't really do any work on Thursday. But it sure is nice to live in a house with a big kitchen and deck and garden and pool...

But then yesterday, which started out slow, ended up being a really productive day. Maybe the first one since I've been back from Montana. Sure, I've done lots of stuff since then, but I hadn't really gotten in deep with anything. Yesterday I wrote the entire foundation for a new site I'm building (well, rebuilding.) I noticed that when I'm really cruising on a project I like to hear the same music over and over again. Yesterday it was six Lucinda Williams tracks off the MP3 player. Over and over again. I think I do this so I don't have to listen too hard. I can just work, and the repetition somehow marks the time. It gives my brain something to hold onto. Otherwise time can really slip away when you're staring at the screen.

Woke up this morning and I'm anxious to get right back to work. That's how I know it's going well.

This evening we'll take a ferry out to Fire Island to celebrate Stephen's birthday. Home to NYC tomorrow. Feeling very good.
- jim 7-20-2002 3:54 pm

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