Holy hell is it hot. We had to sleep in the office (in the basement, with an AC) last night. Every time I sleep somewhere else I'm reminded that we have the greatest bed in the world. You might think you have a nice bed, but that's only because you've never slept on this one. Of course when you put that bed on the fifth floor of a five floor tenament - with no AC and it's 100 degrees out - it looses several points of awsomeness. But that's not really the bed's fault, is it?

Why we don't just get the AC fixed is an interesting question. Part of it is stubbornness. Part is just being lazy. But I think the real reason has something to do with the satisfaction of having very simple concrete problems. Sure it's blazing hot and uncomfortable, but that's a pretty easy problem to understand, and maybe it forces out any thoughts of dealing with other sneakier problems that are more difficult to get a handle on. "If I can just make it through this heat..." Kind of gives you something to focus on.

I wonder how many stupid problems in the world are semi manufactured like this just so people don't have to deal with the really hard stuff? Anyway, did I mention it was hot? I'll think about this in the fall when it's cooler.
- jim 7-30-2002 7:24 pm

my bed in Ho Chi is way better buddy, the sauna 5 feet away is a also nicer than yours:>)
- Skinny 7-31-2002 4:32 pm

Are you kidding? My whole apartment is a sauna!
- jim 7-31-2002 6:39 pm

kudo's amigo!!
- Skinny 8-02-2002 12:21 pm

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