Looks like Apple will be able get the superdrive into the Powerbook soon. I wonder if I'd ever burn DVD's if I could. Seems like a nice way to archive I guess. Regardless, it's cool for sure, and I want one.

This is my tech lust strategy. I want all the stuff, but of course can't afford it. So I just admit to wanting it, but instead of also admitting that I can't afford it, I just say I'm waiting for some new feature X to appear. When that feature finally does appear, there will be some new X on the horizon to postpone my collision with fiscal reality.

So I'm going to buy a Powerbook. I'm just waiting for the superdrive. Or I'm waiting for airport reception to be improved. Or I'm waiting for a higher pixel density on the screen. This way I'm not poor, I just have very high demands.
- jim 8-01-2002 5:21 pm

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