Here's two things I've been trying to write more about:

Aside from the fact that it won't happen, why wouldn't Apple open source all the iApps? Is there even a single disadvantage?

And unrelated, in regards to the WTC site reconstruction planning, I propose a fibre optic cable stretching from the top of whatever tower gets built up to a high altitude balloon (or geo synchronous satellite, but I'm not sure they could do that strentgth to weight ratio wise). The whole contraption is a WLAN antenna for a public wireless network. A virtual city commons. They could make it so the fibre thread would light up in different colors depending upon the bandwidth being used. I imagine it looking something like the input/output towers from the movie Tron.
- jim 8-01-2002 5:43 pm

Athens, Georgia is experimenting with a downtown public WLAN similar to what I'd like to see NYC do.

If you're thinking that the bandwidth for several million people would be too large of a cost for the city to bear, how about not having it connect to the greater net? Just a giant wireless local area network for NYC. Perhaps it would be a third party opportunity to create gateways from this LAN to the greater internet. Or maybe we'd be big (and cool) enough to get peering agreements with some major carriers?
- jim 8-02-2002 7:15 pm

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