Weird. Someone from the Building and Fire Research Laboratory just emailed me about my World Trade Center photos.
...We are conducting an investigation to see if we can learn some lessons from the World Trade Center fire and collapse. I came across the photographs on your site during a WEB search. These images are very interesting with regard to the fire. I have a few questions. Would you be willing to make your images available to our investigation? Are the images at their full resolution, or did you compress them? We are interested in as much detail as possible. If compressed, would it be possible to obtain full resolution versions? Do you have accurate time stamps for the images? Are all of your images posted?...
Looking at them again I can't really see what help they could be. On the other hand, what do I know about building and fire research? Guess I'll have to find that DV footage.
- jim 8-03-2002 11:44 pm

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