There is a RealPlayer for OS X now. I'm not saying you want to install it, but it's there.

Here's the beginners guide to installing things on OS X (executive summary: just keep double clicking):

Download the file. Double click the file. Double click whatever new file results from double clicking the first file. Repeat this until you get to a screen saying you need administrative access (if you get a folder or drive icon along the way - and you will - just double click that to open it, and then double click again on whatever is inside that - probably a graphic that looks like an open box.) On the you need administrative access screen click the lock icon on the lower left, enter your password to the computer (the one you log on with.) Agree to whatever it asks you. Reboot if it insists, but you shouldn't need to.

Update: you don't have to do anything to install RealPlayer. Just download it, and everything should happen automatically (it did for me.) You'll end up with the application on your desktop. Double click to launch it. Nice.
- jim 8-04-2002 12:46 am

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