OK, I admit it, I can't hear a thing. Well, not quite, but my ears are not working well. They seem to be a bit clogged. Especially my left. This started after swimming in the Ocean out at Fire Island.

It is very strange to not be able to hear well. My social skills have been severly impacted - and they weren't that good to start with. There is an extra layer between me and the world. Plus, I say "huh?" a lot.

I guess I might have to see a doctor about this. I honestly can't remember the last time I went to a doctor. I think it might have been to get a physical before my freshman year in college! That would have been 1988. But I must have been since then. I can't remember though. I should probably go.

So if you thought I was ignoring you: I probably just didn't hear.

- jim 8-04-2002 1:44 am

Go see a doctor. You probably have "swimmer's ear" and need an antibiotic. Or we could use one of the old grandmother's potions! Have a smoker slowly exhale smoke into each ear. That really worked! But it was regarded as reliable at the time. I think the swift use of an antibiotic would help minimize any residual damage that might linger.
- jeanne 8-04-2002 2:44 pm

Mom's right. I'd try standing on my head in a sauna & some herbal ear oils. If it doesn't clear up
in a day with that, get to a doc. Despite all that self effacement, Jim, you are the best LISTENER
that ever was. We need your ears. Tinitus is no fun. Shake that mop.
- frank 8-04-2002 5:39 pm

Ok so your mother, your best friend, and now your girlfriend all agree- go to a doc- I have the name of Janet's gp- I'll even come with you
- mb (guest) 8-05-2002 1:25 am

Let Janet's gp look. If it's not totally full of pus you can try some nettles, red root & Lomatium not to mention the ginger & cayennne you should be taking copiously, before you sign on for antibiotics.
- frank 8-05-2002 8:00 am

I think my grandmother's cure is a lot easier. I am focusing on the smoke thing because I hear MB does not have time for the Labor Day trip. I smoke only twice a year when MB is with me. I look forward to it! Woe is me if I have to give up my September smoking experience!

Back to the kid. Let us save his hearing! I think we care if he harms himself. Alex, can you club him and then help MB drag him into a cab?

On the New England TV News last night was a special on how high the bacteria count is at the ocean beaches because of the heat. Since the kid is a vegan, I suppose he was attacked only by flora. But I bet the heat increased the flora bad stuff also ( showing my ignorance of potential disease in the vegan community).

By the way! After the cure, for the rest of the summer, the kid has to wear "ear plugs" when he ventures into the ocean or pond to prevent reinfection. A city doctor might not mention that.
- jeanne 8-05-2002 5:49 pm

I recommend shamanism, where the doctor takes the medication instead of the patient: fewer side effects that way. Swimmer's ear, or some such infection may be the problem, but if there's no pain, it could be no more than a wax jam. Try inserting a wick and lighting it. That way the smoke comes out of the ears, just like in the cartoons. Seriously though, get it checked out.
- alex 8-05-2002 6:23 pm

what ?

- bill 8-05-2002 6:52 pm

I wasn't going to share this but since everyone's making recommendations...A couple of years ago I went swimming and got what I thought was swimmer's ear but it was just a wax jam. For five bucks I bought a kit at the drug store: some oil drops to loosen the wax and a squeeze bulb to flood the ear canal with warm water. After a couple of applications I was hearing perfectly.
- tom moody 8-05-2002 7:20 pm

Digitalmediatree.com would like to formally disclaim all legal responsibility for any medical advise dispensed in this comment thread. Especially, but not limited to, those procedures involving smoke.

Thanks for the responses though. Still haven't been to the doctor of course. There is no pain, so like Alex, I'm figuring it's not swimmers ear. Tom has some good advice, unfortunately I've already done that. I had this same problem a few months ago, and that kit worked like a charm. Then I went out to Fire Island, went in the water, and I was back where I started, except this time the kit isn't working.

Here's the problem. If you're not supposed to stick anything into your ear (and I'm pretty sure that's the rule of thumb,) how exactly are you supposed to clean them? What does the doctor do? Presumably he sticks something into your ear. Is this like the dentist telling you not to use anything too abrasive on your teeth as he picks at them with a metal probe?

I guess they learn some secret techniques or something...

- jim 8-05-2002 7:44 pm

Stop rationalizing. This is not a big deal. Listen to MB and get it fixed. Jeez! We all have work to do.
- jeanne 8-05-2002 8:04 pm

Forget the smoke in the ear thing, but do go to the Dr. ASAP. As someone who visits the pediatric ear doctor on a very regular basis I can assure you this is nothing to fool around with. The cure when it gets out of hand is much worse than it is when you need an easy dose of amoxicillin. Hope you feel better.
- elisabeth (guest) 8-05-2002 8:16 pm

Listen to your mother and your girlfriend and your close friends.
- sarah 8-06-2002 4:09 am

jimmmy can you hear me, get medical help
- Skinny 8-06-2002 12:01 pm

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