"Telecom researchers have successfully tested a solar-powered, remotely operated aircraft capable of relaying high-quality television, cell phone, and Internet signals and transmissions to the ground." Cool. That's the sort of technology I'm thinking of for the fibre optically tethered high altitutde balloon rising from the WTC site.

Another argument for this plan: NYC doesn't need millions more square feet of office space. But I do understand the feeling that whatever we build should be good for the economy (as well as providing space for a memorial.) This gives you both. An economic boost by clearly making NYC the most wired place in the world. Plus we can keep a lot of open space at the site. Just a glowing (plusing with traffic load) thread rising into the stratosphere.
- jim 8-08-2002 7:01 pm

Have you submitted your idea to the city yet?
- sarah 8-08-2002 8:22 pm

You mean they're not reading my page?
- jim 8-08-2002 9:08 pm

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