One day a government worker knocks on the door of a rancher in eastern Montana. He introduces himself and goes on to explain that a recent survey of the area has shown that it is not in Montana after all. The rancher's house is actually in South Dakota. On hearing this the rancher replies "Thank god! I don't think I could have taken another one of those Montana winters."

Yeah, I know. Anyway, I am shocked, shocked to learn that our friend's house on Long Island is NOT IN SAYVILLE. Can you believe it? Apparently it's in Bayport. I'm not sure what to do about this. It's not that I care where the house is. It's just that we've always called it Sayville. Can we really switch to Bayport?

"What did you do this weekend?"

"Oh, we were out in Sayvi... er, Bayport."

"Bayport? Who lives there?"

"Oh forget it."

Maybe we can resurvey the area or something.
- jim 8-10-2002 7:47 pm

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