Just renewed this domain. It will be three years old on Wednesday. Thanks to everyone who has taken part.
- jim 8-12-2002 10:20 pm

Thanks to Jim we can proudly proclaim: Digitalmediatree: Since the 20th Century.
- alex 8-13-2002 12:58 am

from three to 10 is easy
- Skinny 8-13-2002 3:57 am

Three cheers for Jim & digitalmediatree
He's got the money for nothing & the chics for free.
- frank 8-13-2002 7:18 am

excellent work. i'm thinking maybe this is cause for some champagne drinking on sunday...?
- linda 8-13-2002 2:59 pm

- Skinny 8-13-2002 8:13 pm

Thanks Jim!
- steve 8-14-2002 5:56 am

well done ! thanks for the oppertunity
- bill 8-14-2002 7:11 pm

It's been educational and fun!
- tom moody 8-14-2002 7:31 pm

Thanks JimB(ob)
- jimlouis 8-16-2002 5:14 pm

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