I've been letting a lot of stuff slide. Partly it's the heat. But also it's a cycle. I'm trying to think of the next thing. Either that or I'm just making excuses.

I'm trying to move into the fall with enough to keep me at my machine coding through the winter. I've been sucessful the past two years. The trick is, it has to be a good idea. It can't be just what I've done before. That's why I need this time of letting go and forgetting and wandering. But it also can't be too different or there won't be enough focus, enough momentum, to drive the heads down repetition required to actually do it. Delicate situation. Stray, but not too far.

Talking about it here is one trick to make myself come through. It's easy to decide a secret isn't worth the effort when you get to the hard part. Much harder to abandon even semi public plans.

So I'll try to say something. Part of what has been taking shape is a game. Or, some aspects of it are game like. I don't have much experience in this area. I never played computer games. I never played D & D either. Or magic. But I think I understand something.

Everquest has been in the news a lot lately, and although it has little to do with what I am vaguely starting to imagine, the articles have been really resonating for me. Hard to say more than that. I'll keep trying though. For my own sake at least.
- jim 8-14-2002 11:02 pm

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