First Danger Hiptop review I've seen - from ZDNet:
I've been playing with the Sidekick, the first Danger-powered hiptop device (yes, that's a play on laptop), which will be available from T-Mobile Wireless (formerly VoiceStream) in late September. Believe it or not, it's actually going to cost $199 with new activation. Monthly service will run $39.95 for unlimited data--yes, you read that right, unlimited data--plus 200 minutes of peak and 1,000 minutes of night and weekend nationwide talk time.
That pricing seems very good to me. MB's been asking me to get a new cell phone so she can have mine (she already used to how it works, which is a big plus for her.) I can't wait to get this thing. More from the review:
As a former BlackBerry user, there's simply no way I would choose a BlackBerry over a Sidekick...

- jim 8-14-2002 11:49 pm

Do you know if T-Mobile is offering participation in a beta program for the sidekick? I am very interested in this device.
- anonymous (guest) 8-16-2002 7:33 pm

keep us informed, my prob is people have known my bizz # for years....
- Skinny 8-16-2002 7:56 pm

I don't know of any beta programs. That's doesn't mean there isn't one though.

Mike, I'm not sure this is the best device for you. For instance, you can only use it as a cellphone by using a headset. If I get it you can check it out and see. Probably a regular cell phone is better for your uses.

For someone, like me, who'd rather use email than voice, the hiptop looks good. And my dream is to be able to post here from anywhere. I'm sure I'll be able to rig that up.
- jim 8-16-2002 8:27 pm

are you saying i'm old fashion, out of date??
- Skinny 8-16-2002 8:32 pm

No, you're "low tech."
- tom moody 8-16-2002 8:41 pm

check out for danger's beta program. i'd imagined they're deluged with applications, but it's worth a shot. i'm also looking forward to giving the sidekick a whirl, especially if an sdk is made available.
- leonard (guest) 8-19-2002 8:47 am

Wheel, this is the phone for you. Full color PDA for all your contacts and appointments. Built in camera (that lens is on the back of the phone.) Tri-band so it will work everywhere in the world. Plus it has a sony memory stick so you can synch addresses and download pictures to your viao. Available soon. Pricey.
- jim 8-20-2002 11:46 pm

Here's that p800

- jim 8-20-2002 11:48 pm

what is pricey??
- Skinny 8-21-2002 2:36 am

Danger blog (from HTP)
- jim 8-24-2002 6:27 pm

Here's a bunch of interesting info from a beta tester. I must have this device.
- jim 9-07-2002 12:11 am

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