We Blog: Publishing Online with Weblogs is a book, available next week, written by veteran bloggers Meg(nut) Hourihan, Matt Haughey, and Paul Bausch. Blogroots.com is the web site companion to the book. A couple of chapters are on line, including Chapter 8, Using Blogs in Business.

It makes me very happy to see people making this argument (or is just an explanation?) about using blogs in the business world. That this is a good idea for businesses is obvious to me, yet I've had almost no luck in convincing anyone. I just want to build the software, I don't want to convince people they should use it. Hopefully this will help. Of course, the seminal Cluetrain Manifesto would be another book I'd recommend to help make the case for business blogs. I hope more follow.
- jim 8-16-2002 9:37 pm

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