Went to see MB's friend Sonia in The Vagina Monologues last night (is that going to get me some weird hits from google?) Three women sitting on stage reading several short monologues culled from years of interviews with women about their bodies. Interesting. I imagine it varies a lot depending on the performers. Probably a good show for young women to see if for no other reason than to hear all of those words in a fun positive context. And I mean every euphemism you can think of - and plenty you never heard before: coochie snorcher?

After one particularly loud cathartic round of screaming (and moaning, and singing, and spelling...) the 'c' word (I'll pass on those google hits, thanks) Sonia (a.k.a. Maria from Sesame Street) made the joke: "Cookie Monster always told me 'C is for cookie.' Maybe he was eating the wrong thing all those years." The crowd had a great time being a little bit embarrassed.

Afterwards we went way up town to a jazz club called Smoke (B'way and 107) to hear the Steve Turre Quintet. I am now convinced that the trombone is the coolest jazz instrument. Fun stuff.
- jim 8-18-2002 6:31 pm

From Page Six on the VM add campaign in the Times:

"VAGINA Monologues" producer David Stone put one over on The New York Times last Friday, slipping the phrase "clitically acclaimed" into the show’s quarter-page ad. "I’m very proud," Stone told us. "It took two years. We tried it twice before, and it was rejected. But this time we got it through." Stone has been messing with the Times throughout the show’s run, testing the limits of decency with his promos. While tag lines like "Spread the word," "The word on everyone’s lips" and "Going down in history" have made the cut, others - like "Think inside the box," "Deep into our fourth year" and "Why haven’t you come yet?" - were axed by the paper’s censors. A Times rep promised to look into it.
"promised to look into it"? They should get a gynecologist.
- alex 11-21-2002 6:21 pm

What do you call a Mormon Gynecologist?
- frank 11-25-2002 7:34 pm

a box Elder?
- Tom G 11-26-2002 3:25 am

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