I passed the test. It's official. I'm not a complete dork. If I was, and the possibility was certainly there, I'd have left the lovely evening I was having with MB and Sarah to be at the Apple store by 10:20 last night when Jagwire (OS X 10.2) was released. Yes, they had a party. People in costumes. Probably posting to their blogs from the display machines. Supreme dork stuff like that.

Instead I resisted the mind control rays emanating from the mothership, and stayed up on the roof enjoying the perfect summer evening. Clam pasta, cuvee Buster, Texier hermitage (wine dork status might still be possible.)

Drinking coffee right now, and then I will make my way, calmly, like a normal person not caught in the RDF, over to SOHO and purchase my copy. No hurry. It's just an operating system. Not like it's going to be a big deal or anythi....

- jim 8-24-2002 7:00 pm

Posting from 10.2. No real problems. Have to install mysql again. I'm not seeing an amazing increase in speed, but my system probably shouldn't show much (my video card doesn't have enough vram to take advantage of quartz extreme.) Probably more recent systems will see more of a gain.
- jim 8-24-2002 11:29 pm

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