Colin Wilson on Robert Graves (via robotwisdom.)
- jim 8-25-2002 7:45 pm

The extent of Robert Grave's plagiarism of Laura Riding will be known when the official Laura Riding biography appears next year. She was fleeced in a way that is analagous to the way Gordon Wasson fleeced Maria Sabina. The literary sanctity of psychedelia is tainted by heavyhanded masterminds lying thru their teeth. I've been trying to get old Jorn at robotwisdom to notice Laura Riding but he seems content to remain bamboozled.

- frank 8-26-2002 3:00 am

Of course only as bamboozled as any other more or less innocent reader of The White Goddess's succulent dude-empowering poetic factoids might be, not knowing the writer stole it all from his
25 year old genius girlfriend's treasure trove of romance folklore & sold it as science e gad !
- frank 8-26-2002 3:45 am

Don't we all steal from our genius girlfriends?

Still, I thought you might have some clarifications here. For anyone interested in more Laura Riding Jackson, wood's lot recently had this interesting link (I'm guessing via our very own Frank.)

As for Jorn, you might have to engage through usenet if you really want his attention. Have you looked around for LRJ out there? A completely unrefined search turns up 1390 hits for talk of her there. Not guaranteeing any sort of quality discussion though...
- jim 8-26-2002 6:14 pm

Well yes of course but few of us successfully parlez the pilferings into megawatt literary stardom not that it's without precedent. Usenet should be retermed fucking koosnet for the number of o look
Laura is busy Riding on Mr Jacksons prancing stead. As for clarification Mrs Jacksons's book The Word Woman has a short essay on some of the history of the work called the White Goddess. The estate of Robert Grave's is a bigtime corporate cashcow that intends to fight the coming Riding revision with ad hominum disinfo.
- frank 8-26-2002 7:44 pm

for a while I thought LRJ's first name was "neurotic".
- Tom G 8-29-2002 3:31 pm

Why did you think that?
- sarah 8-30-2002 2:31 am

In anything written about Graves that mentions her, she's called something like "the neurotic Laura Riding". The article Jim blogged mentions "the neurotic American poetess".
- Tom G 8-30-2002 3:11 am

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