From 8/24 through today I have received 71 emails. 23 of those were NOT spam. (And thanks to the barrage of Austria planning from the Wheel that's actually a very high ratio of real messages!)

The junk mail filters in the new (10.2) mail application flagged 46 out of 48 of those unwanted emails as junk. With NO false positives. Hallelujah. Thank you Apple.

They ship it in "training" mode. If mail thinks a real message is junk you can press the "not junk" button to correct it. If mail thinks a spam is a real message you can press the "junk" button to correct it the other way. The more you correct the more accurate it will become.

But it's already plenty accurate for me. Spam be gone! I'm taking it out of training mode. Now I won't be notified about spam, it will just silently go into a junk folder where I can check from time to time for false positives. But I don't think I'll have to double check too often.

That's worth the price of Jaguar right there.
- jim 8-27-2002 10:28 pm

i have been spam free until i signed up for the early release of NY Mag's restaurant reviews, bastards sold my email, more austria emails coming!!
- Skinny 8-28-2002 1:36 am

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