In audio world news: Logic platinum released for OS X.
- jim 9-03-2002 6:52 pm

This is the important bit about plug in compatibility.
- jim 9-04-2002 12:50 am

righteous!!! wooooohoooo!!!!
- big jimmy 9-10-2002 3:23 am

could be a pain in the neck if, let's say, someone had a shitload of VST plugins...and if, just hypothetically, one or two of them were cracks, not registered copies...grr...but this is just a time thing, in general it sounds like they'll make it super simple for VST plugins to become audio unit plugins so no big deal...and if that means they get to live in the magic osX No Crash Zone well Hallelujah!!!!
- big jimmy 9-10-2002 3:26 am

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