Just downloaded and installed the brand new iCal (iEnough iwith ithe inames ialready!) calendar application from apple. Runs great but it seriously borked the rest of my system. Now no other programs - including the finder - can find their preferences. Serious bummer. I can't even get on line from that machine. That is what you get for installing something on the first day.
- jim 9-10-2002 9:09 pm

OK, I'm back on line, but I'm still not sure everything is correct. I lost all my mozilla bookmarks (but not my cookies?) WTF?

Anyway, like a lot that I've been reading, this seems like it was some sort of file permission problem. I booted off the 10.2 installer disc and then open disc utility from the installer apple menu. There you can repair permissions as well as repairing the disc itself. I first repaired permissions. It found a bunch it thought were wrong. Reboot into 10.2 with no change (It would aparently boot fine. But when trying to connect to the net it kept telling me my PPP setting were wrong. They weren't. Mozilla would be uable to find my user profile on start up, yet it was right there in the directory mozilla said it couldn't find it in. Itunes would crash saying there was a fatal error saving some file. I didn't try anything else.)

Booted back off the installer disc. Ran repair disc in disc utility. It found a bunch to repair. Rebooted. No change. Back to the installer CD. Repaired permissions again. Rebooted. Now it seems to work.

Doesn't exactly inspire confidence.
- jim 9-10-2002 11:28 pm

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