Been playing with NetNewsWire lite, the very popular free RSS news reader. Pretty cool. I tried once before (with a different reader) to get into the whole RSS feed thing, but I found myself more comfortable just surfing my favorite sites in a browser. I like to see a site displayed with the layout meant for that site. Still, I can see the benefit of RSS. If you had tons of sites you had to keep up with this would probably be very handy. If I get into it more I'll make RSS feeds for our pages here. Wouldn't be very hard.
- jim 9-13-2002 7:26 pm

OK, I surrender, this thing rocks. RSS feeds coming up.

On a related note, the way this program, and, report the number of new messages right in the dock is one clear way the OS X dock is better than the OS 9 application menu. Really convenient.
- jim 9-18-2002 12:34 am

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