Went to a funeral service yesterday for my friend Roman. He died a few days ago.

Without going into it too much, I wanted to mention this sad event. He was a good friend, for many years, and I will miss him greatly.
- jim 9-21-2002 12:03 am

I remember meeting Roman, his Kafkaesque intensity was unforgettable. I remember he looked not in the greatest of health, what? 8 years ago, but brilliant & lovely. Sending our best thoughts to you Jim. THere's been some sadness on my heart bigtime concerning my friends on the Rez. I want to help somehow & am feeling helpless. Life is so sweet but those big shadows seem to be gathering so fast... what do we have time for but to tell our loved ones they are. Got an awesome polaroid of Ren in the skunk hat I'll poste haste. Love you Jim. Love you MB.
- frank 9-21-2002 10:59 am

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