Janet took me to see Ricky Jay at Second Stage Theatre in Times Square. He's a "sleight of hand artist" (don't call him a magician.) The show was good. I think if you could see him do just card tricks in a smaller setting he would be even more impressive. What he did of that was great, but I thought the larger, more prop bound tricks didn't work out as well. Still a very fun evening. You sure wouldn't want to gamble with this man.

In a minor coincidence MB and I had just rented Heist on DVD (w/ Gene Hackman.) So so movie, but it did feature Ricky Jay in a large supporting role. I didn't realize until he walked on stage, at which point he looked very familiar. Both Heist and the show I saw were produced by David Mamet who is evidentally a big fan of his.

Afterwards we went to Blue Fin, the strange tourist trap / high end restaurant right in Times Square. Really nice design. We stuck to the monster raw shellfish tower so I can't really comment on the food (the shellfish was good though.) Midtown is like a whole different world (d'uh.)
- jim 9-21-2002 6:57 pm

the food is suprisingly good...much better than it seems like it needs to be (for instance, a big step above blue water grill in union square). not worth the trip from downtown just to eat it, but if you happen to be working in a nearby office building then it's a very nice (although pricey) lunch jammy...especially if you have a rabid enthusiasm for a nice piece of fish.
- big jimmy 9-22-2002 3:12 am

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