Update to 10.2.1 went without incident. Can't say I notice any astounding improvements. Update to iTunes 3.01 was not so smooth. Afterwards I couldn't connect to the internet (from the terminal, through Mozilla, through mail, etc...) Rebooting from the installer CD and running the disk utility to fix permissions solved the problem (again, like after the iCal incident.) Like a lot of other people I'll add my complaint about the required restart after installing iTunes. How could this be necessary?
- jim 9-21-2002 7:10 pm

I'm running Mozilla 1.2a on OS X 10.2
For some reason the scroll arrows don't work, got any ideas as to why?
I don't find any way to correct it in Mozilla preffrences or in OS X system

- steve 10-06-2002 9:03 pm

Yeah, I'll write with some troublshooting procedures when I get home to my machine.

One thing that is always good to do (although I don't think it will help in this case) is to open disk utilities (I think that' what it's called,) in the utilities folder, inside the applications folder, and click on Repair Permissions. This takes a long time, so start it before you go out. This can solve all sorts of problems, and in some cases result in significant system speed enhancements.

More later.
- jim 10-06-2002 9:10 pm

Not finding "disk utilities"
- steve 10-08-2002 12:19 am

For this mozilla problem I'd suggest reinstalling. First trash the mozilla folder in /Applications, and then also delete the mozilla folder located at /Users/steve/Library/Mozilla (the folder might not be 'steve', depends on what you named your machine.) This will trash your bookmarks, so if they are important you should first go to 'manage bookmarks' in the bookmarks menu, and when that screen comes up, go to 'export...' from the 'tools' menu at the top. Then download mozilla again and reinstall. Sort of a pain, but probably the best solution. To get your exported bookmarks back in, repeat the export process, but select 'import...' instead.
- jim 10-08-2002 12:19 am

I just posted the above comment only to find you'd posted the above answer.
Funny that.
Thanks, I'l try.
- steve 10-08-2002 12:21 am

That sidekick must be fast!
- steve 10-08-2002 12:22 am

No, we just posted at the same time. Total coincidence.

You should have a 'Disk Utility'. It should be at:

/Applications/Utilties/Disk Utility

Does that method of describing file location make sense? I mean from the top level of your OS X drive (or partition,) open the Applications folder. Inside that open the Utilities folder. Inside that you should be able to find Disk Utility.
- jim 10-08-2002 12:25 am

Oh, shit. I see. You're running 1.2a (1.2 alpha.) You should be running 1.1 (which is a real release, the alpha is a pre-release that still contains bugs.) Scroll down further on the download page and grab 1.1.
- jim 10-08-2002 12:27 am

LOL! No shit!!??
WTF did they install this version on a consumer system?
And hey, are you on the sidekick? Is it ringing every time I post to this page? Cool, this is almost like chatting.
- steve 10-08-2002 12:32 am

Oh yeah, does the 1.1 allow you to boot up in 9.2?
- steve 10-08-2002 12:33 am

I'm at my desk, but my sidekick is right here. It does ring (well, buzzes really) every time there is a post or comment on several pages here (you can have any page notify you as well by filling in an email in your [subscription] to that page.) The sidekick isn't fast, but it is "always on" like a broadband connection. I've discovered that the always on part is actually more important to me than the speed. So I still use the sidekick even when I'm at my desk.
- jim 10-08-2002 12:35 am

You're taking far too long to answer me.
I'm outta here, off to download 1.1
- steve 10-08-2002 12:35 am

No, I mean 1.1 of Mozilla, not OS X!
- jim 10-08-2002 12:36 am

LOL again. I realized that when I arrived at mozilla's page.
Also, it helps to pay attention to the software version digits. You wrote 1.1 and as is my pessimistic wont I read OS X 10.2
I'll download the mozilla tonight.
- steve 10-08-2002 12:41 am

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