My stomach was giving me some problems this week, so I decided to cut out my copious coffee intake. Three days without java. Surprisingly easy.
- jim 9-28-2002 9:01 pm

no headaches?
- big jimmy 9-29-2002 2:41 am

No, I'm surprised. I've had the headaches in the past when trying to quit, but this time seems fine. Maybe it's the relief over my stomach feeling better.
- jim 9-29-2002 7:02 pm

thats great, let make 2003 the offical get healty DMTree year, untill then let ROCK
- Skinny 9-29-2002 7:21 pm

Let's not get carried away. A whole year of good health? I'm going for like a week or so...
- jim 9-29-2002 9:25 pm

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