First post from the new device. The web browser is slick. Going out for a walk now. I want to see what sort of reception this thing gets.
- jim 10-02-2002 12:39 am

Battery seems at least reasonable. Theo was playing the built in games all through dinner. Just paying the check now. We've got the sopranos on vhs and the yankees on network, so our babysitting evening should be ok.

The sea eel special (first I've seen) at esashi is amazing.
- jim 10-02-2002 3:44 am

Will it work in the Bozone?
- frank 10-02-2002 4:04 am

I don't think so (although if not its only a temporary problem.) I'll dig up the coverage map URL tomorrow.
- jim 10-02-2002 4:13 am

Are you on it now ?
- frank 10-02-2002 4:29 am

Yes. Im watching the yankees on tv at hannah and andrews. We're listening to it on the radio (which is about a second and a half ahead of the tv visuals. And im surfing the web from my lap.

I'm always on now Frank.
- jim 10-02-2002 4:40 am

Surfing...from my lap. Sound's like a variation of Party In My Pants.
- frank 10-02-2002 5:18 am

I thought I had it set to email me if there were any new comments, but no alert came through. I guess there are still some kinks. I don't know about any parties, but it is interesting how quickly the human body can absorb appropriatly designed technology. I already think of this as part of myself.
- jim 10-02-2002 5:36 am

Next step: chip in the head? --cyberpunk fan
- tom moody 10-02-2002 5:38 am

I'd like the technology to be integrated into my bio optic system. But I'm skeptical about the few implants that have happened so far. What's the name of that english guy? That seems like a bunch of hype (implant your kids, and we can find them if they're kidnapped!)

But yeah, I'd like to have low level digital access to my optic nerve input/output stream. Seems a long way off. Until then I'll keep my computing appendages on the outside.
- jim 10-02-2002 5:47 am

back in the early mid nineties one of my favorite slogans was "fiber to the hypothalamus!"
- big jimmy 10-02-2002 5:55 am

I believe you were also responsible for the best cyber slogan ever: get your ass online. Genius.
- jim 10-02-2002 6:06 am

- big jimmy 10-02-2002 7:34 am

Nope. They don't even have Montana in their database to search. Some spotty coverage in Wyoming, but absolutely nothing in MT. No wonder the air is cleaner out there.
- jim 10-02-2002 10:19 pm

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