Multiple police helicopters hovering over the east village. Im on a and 5th walking north trying to see what is going on.

Helicopter sweeps (very low) from just north of tompkins to up past 14th.

Ave a is closed northbound at 13th.

14th is closed east of a. Lots of people standing around. Lots of cops. Mounted units. A lady behind me says somebody got shot and they don't have the shooter yet.

That's bad but not so bad. With all those copters in that area I always worry about the huge con ed plant over there. Seems like a decent terrorist target. Of course I'm completely paranoid.

Fox is on the scene, so it's not like this is a scoop or anything. I'll see if any of the photos came out when I get home.
- jim 10-02-2002 9:11 pm

i was just riding down second ave and there were about 25+ cops standing around the corner of 4th street without much sense of purpose.
- dave 10-02-2002 9:17 pm

Shooting at Stuyvesant Town.
- alex 10-02-2002 10:41 pm

Is this the same guy who caused the police to search the entire building a week prior to this shooting? That event never seemed to be mentioned, yet it was in the same building.
- anonymous (guest) 10-15-2002 9:33 pm

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